Category: ASP.Net

  • Asp.Net MVC Gotchas

    I’ve been working on a project with the Asp.Net MVC framework lately, and thought I’d write up some lessons learned. I’m using Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0 as a guide. The first chapter is available online for free as a pdf. One: Be absolutely certain you are avoiding web forms web controls. I took the master…

  • IEnumerable and Linq

    I was helping someone on and ran into an interesting issue. The post is here. I explained the issue in my response, but I’ll try to sum up. Newer collection types implement IEnumerable(Of T) as opposed to the original IEnumerable interface. For example, System.Generic.List(Of T) implements IEnumerable(Of T), so the following is valid without…

  • SilverLight and Z-Index

    When implementing a new SilverLight custom control, it was blocking menu popups (html / javascript) on the page. I set the z-index of the div and object tags that contained SilverLight to no avail. After a lot of googling, I found the following solution. Set the Windowless property to true. In the case of manually…

  • JSON Objects

    Answered a question on StackOverflow that I thought is worth posting about.  It’s surprising how many people try to work with JSON without knowing  javascript. Most JSON either returns objects {} or arrays [].  The first thing you learn about JSON is that you can just eval the object. In the case of arrays, you…

  • How I Use ASP.Net Skins and Themes

    Recently reading some discussion of themes, and skins were listed as bad, because they cut out the designer and required duplication for any non-server control element. As in the following: I want all my text input’s to have a blue background.  So I said background=”blue” in an skin file, and create a blue style…