Category: ASP.Net

  • UTF-8 Encoding with XMLWriter and a Stringbuilder

    You could waste a lot of time trying to figure out why an XMLWriter ignores the Encoding set on XMLWriterSettings that is passed into the XMLTextWriter.Create() function.  Instead, read the following blog post and move along…

  • Write and Validate XML with a DTD in Memory in .Net

    This is the sample of piecing together a lto of different posts, so I thought I’d put a sample on the web… I’m putting it in VB.Net (because I was writing in it due to project requirements Imports System.Xml Imports System.Xml.Schema Imports System.Text Imports System.IO Public Class MyXMLTool   Private sb As New StringBuilder(“”)   Private…

  • Simple MasterPages with PHP

    How to do a straight forward version of ASP.Net masterpage template in PHP. No framework required.

  • Dynamic Master Pages

    In, there are multiple ways you can set dynamic master pages.  They can be specified in the code behind or in the web.config file.  Web.config may not sound like a dynamic option, but consider that the application does not need recompiling after a change to it. However, if you have code in those master…