Category: Lisp

  • Static vs Dynamic Scope

    A discussion of static and dynamic scope for variables in programming languages. Emacs lisp is one of the few languages with dynamic scoping and this post takes a look at the difference.

  • “wc”-like Unix Command in Emacs Lisp

    Inspired by reading a Steve Yegge blog post. (require ‘cl) (defsubst wc-whitespace-char? () “is current character whitespace?” (not (looking-at “[A-Za-z0-9]”))) (defun wc-buffer (b) “count words in a buffer” (interactive “bBuffer to Analyze “) (let ((word-count 0) (in-word nil) (char-count 0) (line-count 1)) (save-excursion (set-buffer b) (beginning-of-buffer) (while (not (eobp)) (if in-word (if (wc-whitespace-char?) (setq in-word…

  • Understanding Lisp Better

    This is the result of a light-bulb going on when reading an info file that introduces emacs lisp. I’m not sure this is legal in other lisps, and it goes against el camino of lisp. But it demonstrates what became clear to me… (defun inc (x) (set x (+ 1 (eval x)))) ;note the intentional…