Category: OS X

  • Hadoop: Accessing Google Cloud Storage

    First, go here to choose the hadoop google cloud storage connector for your version of hadoop, likely hadoop 2. Copy that file to $HADOOP_HOME/share/hadoop/tools/lib/. If you followed the instruction in the prior post, that directory is already in your class path. If not, add the following to your file (found in $HADOOP_CONF directory): #GS…

  • Hadoop: Accessing S3

    This post follows in a series of doing local hadoop setup on macOS for development / learning purposes. In the first post, we installed hadoop. If you get stuck or need more detail, feel free to check out the apache docs on S3 support. First, we have to add the directory with the necessary jar…

  • Installing pymc on OS X using homebrew

    I’ve been working through the following book on Bayesian methods with an emphasis on the pymc library: However, pymc installation on OS X can be a bit of a pain. The issues comes down to fortran… I know. The version of gfortran in newer gcc implementations doesn’t work well with the pymc build, you need…

  • VicinityBuzz: Writing A Mobile App

    This post is intended to go through the process of writing and publishing an app. It will be a high-level introduction. The idea is that future posts that will dig into specific topics in depth. This post will be updated to link to those future posts as an index of mobile development topics. The app…

  • The Sun Also Rises (on the Technology Coast)

    One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever. The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose. -Ecclesiastes 1:5-6 Apple released Mac OS X in 1999, using a BSD core and embracing many libraries and utilities of the open source world. …