Category: Startups

  • Data-Driven vs the Dashboard 

    It is common for technical product companies to call themselves “data-driven” these days. The idea is that metrics are used to drive decisions. Sounds easy enough, and compatible with a technology landscape that is enamored with data science, etc.  But something didn’t always feel right to me. Strange, right? If you follow this blog or…

  • Ownership: Artist or Engineer?

    There are varying ways that a client / service relationship can work, and this view can be the cause of harmony or discord in projects. It’s something I’ve understood for a while, but had trouble explaining at times. What follows is an attempt to explain my view of something that knowledge workers need to understand…

  • Lessons of a Failed Startup(s)

    A couple of months ago, I finished reading Eric Ries’ The Lean Startup. It got me to thinking about startups and small projects I’ve been a part of in the past. Every time you sit down to put more into the project, you’re saying that you will get that back in cash on the other…