Category: Uncategorized
Playing Pitfall the Mayan Adventure on a Modern Windows 11 PC
Pitfall the Mayan Adventure was on Genesis (MegaDrive), Super Nintendo, and PC for Windows 95. It requires the CD to be in the drive in order to read audio. I tried a variety of methods including virtualbox that worked to varying degrees. But I find a solution that provided a better gameplay experience and better…
R Machine Learning Tutorial Videos Published
I’ve been creating a video series on machine learning in R. Two videos are up and there is a third on the way. Getting Started The first video series is a Getting Started series that looks at predicting continuous values, classification, and other first steps into modeling. I start with using the algorithms directly, and…
Thoughts On Leadership and Groups
Building software teams is hard. Fostering culture, improvement, learning and community in a group of individuals that have other options is a difficult thing to do. Fortunately, it’s not all that different than building many other kind of groups. Yet too often, we fail to look around at other successful groups and learn from their…
Facebook Gender Analysis With R
I like working with social APIs, and have been working with R more lately. So I combined the two. I saved the json results of asking facebook for all of my friends using the graph api. Using the rjson package for R, I loaded the data into R and broke down the count of friends…
ISV Pricing
The other day I tweeted about something that has bothered me for a while: [tweet] I feel like it’s worth explaining my problem. At the end of the day, developers and architects are looking to classify your product by price and features. Are you going to provide them that info? Or is a forum…