Category: Uncategorized
Won the ’09 Shootout
Won the ’09 Shootout, originally uploaded by thoolihan. My brother and I won the Shootout this year at KSU golfcourse. We were 6 under scrambling 18 holes.
I finished reading Flatland. It’s a parable-style story about dimensions and geometry. As exciting as that sounds, it’s really good. I recommend it. You don’t have to be a math nerd to read it. I read the annotated version, but pretty much read the story straight-through, only using the notes when something struck a chord.…
Game Management
A couple of bad coaching examples from the last week. Maybe they’re seeing something I don’t see. San Diego has 4th and 2 (maybe 4th and 3?) in their own territory with 3:00 left. They have 2 timeouts. Obviously, if they go for it, it’s the ballgame. Coaches don’t want to the whole game to…
Bengals Boycott
I like it.
Gigabit Switch and Nics Arrived Today
Backups and local media streaming just got a whole lot faster.