Category: Web

  • JSON Objects

    Answered a question on StackOverflow that I thought is worth posting about.  It’s surprising how many people try to work with JSON without knowing  javascript. Most JSON either returns objects {} or arrays [].  The first thing you learn about JSON is that you can just eval the object. In the case of arrays, you…

  • How I Use ASP.Net Skins and Themes

    Recently reading some discussion of themes, and skins were listed as bad, because they cut out the designer and required duplication for any non-server control element. As in the following: I want all my text input’s to have a blue background.  So I said background=”blue” in an skin file, and create a blue style…

  • On Wikipedia Bashing

    MSNBC’s Helen A.S. Popkin takes a crack at Wikipedia: “So there you go, kids. Wikipedia is not a news source.” – Helen A.S. Popkin Helen, I have a follow-up question to your piece of sarcastic wisdom. Is Encyclopedia Britannica a news source? How about Funk & Wagnalls (Best Publisher Name Ever)? Wikipedia is an…

  • On the Rise, Fall, and Resurgance of Javascript

    Douglas Crockford’s essay on Javascript’s history and resurgance is a great read, if you haven’t already read it. – “Given the process that created JavaScript and made it a de facto standard, we deserve something far worse.”

  • Help With Path Issues

    First, here’s a good way to see what you have available in code… <form id=”form1″ runat=”server”> <div> <% For Each key As String In Request.ServerVariables.AllKeys%> <p><%= key %>: <%=Request.ServerVariables(key)%></p> <% Next %> </div> </form> But in general all you need to do is read the following: