Tag: linkedin

  • Strange NuGet Error

    One of the projects that I work on uses NuGet for library management. We have a rake task that runs build, clean, etc. One of the rake tasks runs NuGet.exe which is stored in a tools directory. That way, everyone uses the same version of NuGet even if they have different versions installed in their…

  • VicinityBuzz: Writing A Mobile App

    This post is intended to go through the process of writing and publishing an app. It will be a high-level introduction. The idea is that future posts that will dig into specific topics in depth. This post will be updated to link to those future posts as an index of mobile development topics. The app…

  • Getting Started With iOS Development

    I’ve been playing with development in several of the mobile platforms over the last year, and for iOS in particular. Many developers are intimidated because of the differences between objective-c and other languages and the differences between cocoa touch and other frameworks. How to get started is one of the most common questions around. First…

  • Dealing With An ORA-01440 When Altering a Table in Oracle

    When altering a table to an Oracle reduce a columns size, you’ll get a ORA-01440 error, indicating that you can’t make the adjustment because of the potential data loss. I had to do this to recently to a bunch of columns, as I had incorrectly specified the size of numbers that would end up as…

  • Deming on the Financial Crisis From Beyond the Grave

    Tell me these aren’t relevant. Tell me it isn’t like a summation of Wall Streets mistakes leading up to 2008. Deming died in 1993. Deming’s 7 Deadly Diseases of Management* Lack of constancy of purpose Emphasis on short term profits Evaluation of performance, merit rating or annual review Mobility of top management Running a company…