Tag: linkedin

  • On Terminology

    I should have written this a long time ago. One of the most universal lessons I’ve learned as a consultant is to be careful with terminology and jargon. Context, industry, experience all play a factor in how people will interpret what you say. At one client in particular, it got so bad that I regularly…

  • Chad Fowler’s Keynote

    Chad Fowler’s keynote at Codemash was excellent, and well timed to get me through the week. While I have really enjoyed my time there, and learned a lot the last 2 year’s attending, I run into a lot of attitudes that are hard for me to handle. Simply put, I work in multiple dev communities…

  • Pre-Codemash 2011 Thoughts

    I’m looking forward to Codemash this year. Thanks again to my work for sending me. Founders like Jeff Blankenburg do a great job putting this conference together. Last year, I concentrated on TDD/BDD, Silverlight, ORM, Ruby sessions with a few others thrown in for fun. This year, I’m still going through the schedule. I’d like…

  • Questions to Ask About Any New Custom Application In An Enterprise Setting

    How will this new software handle: Authentication Authorization Exceptions Instrumentation Persistence Object/Data Distribution Business Intelligence Team Turnover Quality Assurance Increased Load Validation This is a work in progress. Suggestions?

  • Listener in Oracle 11g

    I am working on a project that uses Oracle 11g, and we were standing up a db for proof of concept in one of the dev environments. I configured listener.ora to point to the instance, but still was having connection problems. Apparently in your init file, you need the line: local_listener=’MySidName’ To make sure it…