Tag: PhoneGap

  • Why Aren’t You Using PhoneGap?

    PhoneGap (now becoming known as the Apache Cordova project) is commonly thought of as a cross-platform mobile development solution. While true, I think it’s best to think of PhoneGap as modernzr for the mobile web. The W3 is working on standards for web sites to be able to access specific hardware features. These common hardware…

  • Working With Social Network APIs

    Creating Vicinity Buzz naturally involved working with a the APIs of social networks. That information seemed worth sharing for those of you interested in writing any type of application that would integrate with a social network. Developer Documentation Any of the social networking sites you probably want to integrate with have developer api’s that are…

  • VicinityBuzz: Writing A Mobile App

    This post is intended to go through the process of writing and publishing an app. It will be a high-level introduction. The idea is that future posts that will dig into specific topics in depth. This post will be updated to link to those future posts as an index of mobile development topics. The app…

  • Flex is a Relic and Silverlight is a Zombie

    …or some other catchy metaphor that will grab your attention. These technologies were hot over the last 5 years. Flex gained a particular amount of popularity in the Java community where UI technologies have a bit of a spotty record (that’s like saying my Bengals have a bit of a spotty record over a lifetime).…