Tag: R

  • Presentation on Linear Algebra in R

    At our January meeting, I presented on Linear Algebra basics in R. I have been taking the Andrew Ng’s Stanford Machine Learning course. That course primarily uses Matlab (or Octave, and open source equivalent), and machine learning involves manipulating and calculating with matrices. Naturally, being an R person, I have been working with some of…

  • Mapping Functions in R

    I have been buffing up on some areas of Math that I felt rusty in. One of the tools I was using was my old TI-82 calculator I used in high school. I even got the TI Connect software working where I could download screenshots, etc. You can put in data sets (see screen cap…

  • Analyzing Spread Football Picks With R

    I’ve been making an effort to learn R for about a year. I have experimented with it on and off over the years, but this is first serious effort I’ve been making. Whenever I am learning something, rather than just focusing on book examples, I try to come up with an example that is relevant…