Tag: rake

  • Removing Exif Data To Resolve IOS Issues

    Related to my last post, I had a bug to fix. The images looked rotate 90 degrees locally, so I used Imagemagick’s convert command to rotate them 90 degrees. They looked right locally, and on the sight when viewed in chrome. However, iOS was showing the images over-rotated by 90 degrees. It turns out after…

  • Rake Tasks For NuGet

    If you use NuGet, and only check-in your packages.config files to source control, then your source control repository will stay smaller, and checkout faster. Checking in binaries is usually a nice thing to avoid. However, you need new developers to be able to get those libraries locally easily, and to allow your build server (continuous…

  • Source Control Considerations for ConnectionStrings in .Net

    For .Net projects that have multiple developers, configuration differences can be a real problem. For this post, we’ll use the example of connection strings, but it could just as easily be a directory location, or some other difference. Let’s say that we have two developers, one is using SQL Server, while the other is using…

  • Rake Breathing New Life to Building Old Projects

    I’ve seen lots of examples of rake (the ruby make replacement) being used as a build tool in non-ruby projects. Many of these are still modern platforms, like .Net. For example, StructureMap builds with rake. But I’ve found that even on older platforms, the power of having a full programming language in your build tool…