Category: ASP.Net

  • Source Control Considerations for ConnectionStrings in .Net

    For .Net projects that have multiple developers, configuration differences can be a real problem. For this post, we’ll use the example of connection strings, but it could just as easily be a directory location, or some other difference. Let’s say that we have two developers, one is using SQL Server, while the other is using…

  • Expert Business Objects: Read It, Even If You Don’t Need The Framework

    I’ve been reading Rocky Lhotka’s Expert C# 2008 Business Objects book. CSLA is a bit of a polarizing framework. A lot of comments on the book are along the lines of “outlived it’s usefulness given the current framework updates” or just generally “not keeping up with modern software trends.” It should also be noted that…

  • Why Clint Eastwood is My Programming Hero

    This post has been stewing for a while. I’ve struggled for a way to describe the needless clash I see between the communities I work in. But I think I’ve found my analogy. Ever watch a Clint Eastwood Western? Not Dirty Harry, or any the modern-setting movies he’s been directing lately, but the Westerns. In…

  • NHibernate and Auto Properties

    I’ve been working through the NHibernate with ASP.NET ProblemDesignSolution (Wrox Blox), with some small changes. I’m writing my sample in C# using the .Net framework 3.5. I prefer to use auto-properties. It’s common that fields have private setters and only nhibernate can map using the backing field (set via reflection). public String City { get;…

  • Handling Persistance in Asp.Net with Dynamic Controls

    I worked on a project a couple of years ago using dynamic controls in an Asp.Net WebForms environment. Managing dynamic controls can be a real hassle. So when I read Dave Reed’s great article about Viewstate, I wondered if I could do it better now. I worked up a simple example using no Viewstate where…