Category: Games
Playing Pitfall the Mayan Adventure on a Modern Windows 11 PC
Pitfall the Mayan Adventure was on Genesis (MegaDrive), Super Nintendo, and PC for Windows 95. It requires the CD to be in the drive in order to read audio. I tried a variety of methods including virtualbox that worked to varying degrees. But I find a solution that provided a better gameplay experience and better…
XBoxOne’s Problem With Mixed Metaphors
Blue Ocean Strategy is a powerful thing. The Wii took great advantage of this, as has Apple and others. Some people try to cite this as an example of the direction for Microsoft’s upcoming XBoxOne. But that ocean isn’t blue anymore. Older parents and grandparents that bought Wii’s aren’t looking for another box. Certainly not…
A 4 Year Old Netbook… The Best Portable Gaming System?
I have an Acer netbook from a couple of years back. I use to get a fair amount of use, for times when I wanted to read pdfs, browse the web, etc. It was great to have at the hospital to upload pictures and post updates to facebook when my daughters were born. All that…
Wii Hating is the New Black
Sarcastic Gamer, Many of the IGN staffers, they are all jumping on the bandwagon. It’s Wii bashing time. All you hear is that they are ruining the market for hardcore gamers. And shovel-ware abounds. Shovel-ware always abounds on the hottest selling platform. Atari, NES, PS2. All systems that had tons of bad games released. This…
Recommend and Rant
Professor Layton and the Curious Village was given to me as a Birthday present. I’ve been making quick work of it, as it’s very addicting. I highly recommend it to anyone who likes puzzles, mystery or fun. You control the professor and his assistant, Luke, as they visit the town of St. Mystere at the…