Category: Programming

  • VicinityBuzz Update: Windows Phone 8 & More

    While attending Codemash a few weeks ago, I ended up in a Windows Phone development precompiler (Codemash’s name for a training session). It was my plan to hit mostly mobile and analytics sessions, but I was not originally planning on attending this session. With Windows Phone still struggling for market share, I wasn’t in a…

  • Ownership: Artist or Engineer?

    There are varying ways that a client / service relationship can work, and this view can be the cause of harmony or discord in projects. It’s something I’ve understood for a while, but had trouble explaining at times. What follows is an attempt to explain my view of something that knowledge workers need to understand…

  • Why Aren’t You Using PhoneGap?

    PhoneGap (now becoming known as the Apache Cordova project) is commonly thought of as a cross-platform mobile development solution. While true, I think it’s best to think of PhoneGap as modernzr for the mobile web. The W3 is working on standards for web sites to be able to access specific hardware features. These common hardware…

  • Working With Social Network APIs

    Creating Vicinity Buzz naturally involved working with a the APIs of social networks. That information seemed worth sharing for those of you interested in writing any type of application that would integrate with a social network. Developer Documentation Any of the social networking sites you probably want to integrate with have developer api’s that are…

  • The Pendulum of Architecture

    If you’re a developer, you’d probably have to have spent the last couple of years in a coma to not notice a trend towards simpler tools, but I want to write a bit about the changing tides in software architecture because I think there is more below the surface. Around 3-5 years ago was the…