Category: Uncategorized

  • Did Azinger Sound Bitter about Norman?

    Azinger didn’t have any thing positive to say about Norman yesterday.  Sure, they used to compete a lot, and Azinger’s been out of the game for a while, but you would think that would make him nostalgic for Norman and his surge. Can you question some of the plays?  Sure.  But he was number 1…

  • My Blog is Being Spammed

    Man are spammers the scum of the earth.  There’s no quarter in either camp for them… If you are trying to be an ethical business person, who thinks doubleclick is evil, than you have to approach the site owner.  Make a pitch for some site of ad-sharing between sites or other independent deal. If you…

  • Lost Flash Fowards in Order

  • No Free Will on Lost

    Anyone who has taken high school english knows how many literary works have weighed in on Fate vs. Free Will.  Without much fanfair, Lost has as well now. I always looked at events on the island as non-conclusive.  After-all, despite anything the producers say, I think the “reality” of the island is questionable.  Not that…

  • TV Paying the Price

    In my opinion, the writers strike has left a trace of garbage amongst the new episodes of some of my favorite shows.  Specifically, the serial dramas stuffed with symbolism and mystery. Since when did the writers of Lost think it was a good idea to drop in an A-Team episode?  The only difference between the…