Tim’s Blog
Hadoop: Accessing S3
This post follows in a series of doing local hadoop setup on macOS for development / learning purposes. In the first post, we installed hadoop. If you get stuck or need more detail, feel free to check out the apache docs on S3 support. First, we have to add the directory with the necessary jar…
Hadoop: Installing on macOS
Hadoop is traditionally run on a linux-based system. For learning and development purposes, you may want to install hadoop on macOS. This is the first in a series of posts that will walkthrough working with Hadoop and cloud-based storage. First, you’ll want to use homebrew to install hadoop and any related tools you would like.…
Files and Pipes in R Video Demo
I’ve worked with various alternate file handlers in python before and wanted to explore the options in R. I was pleasantly surprised to find handlers prebuilt for tasks like compressing data. In addition, a pipe function is available to allow you to use less common commands on your file, like gpg for encryption. I put…
Markov Chain Simulation
I’ve been reading up on Markov chains and related concepts. On the wikipedia page there is an example of a 2 state Markov process. I decided to simulate it in R and plot the mean of the means. Quick Code example here: The mean of means (of state e) is close to .36. If you…
R Machine Learning Tutorial Videos Published
I’ve been creating a video series on machine learning in R. Two videos are up and there is a third on the way. Getting Started The first video series is a Getting Started series that looks at predicting continuous values, classification, and other first steps into modeling. I start with using the algorithms directly, and…
Got any book recommendations?