Tag: linkedin

  • The Pendulum of Architecture

    If you’re a developer, you’d probably have to have spent the last couple of years in a coma to not notice a trend towards simpler tools, but I want to write a bit about the changing tides in software architecture because I think there is more below the surface. Around 3-5 years ago was the…

  • ISV Pricing

    The other day I tweeted about something that has bothered me for a while: [tweet http://twitter.com/thoolihan/status/236099028545318912] I feel like it’s worth explaining my problem. At the end of the day, developers and architects are looking to classify your product by price and features. Are you going to provide them that info? Or is a forum…

  • Simple URI Tip for HTML

    You may already know this, in which case you ran across it randomly, or are the kind of developer that reads specs. But if you haven’t run across this, prepare for a face-palm moment wondering why you didn’t know this years ago. Using a uri like the following tells the browser to get the content…

  • Lessons of a Failed Startup(s)

    A couple of months ago, I finished reading Eric Ries’ The Lean Startup. It got me to thinking about startups and small projects I’ve been a part of in the past. Every time you sit down to put more into the project, you’re saying that you will get that back in cash on the other…

  • Boiling the Ocean (or Attempting to Keep Up With Tech)

    I was asked by a fellow developer how I keep up to date on the variety of technologies that I’m expected to understand when doing my job. I intended to write a short answer, and generate a blog post as a longer answer. I got this idea from Scott Hanselman, who in his talks about…