Category: Uncategorized
Fixing Canon MP Navigator with Windows 7 x64
How to get the Canon MP Navigator printer / scanner working with Windows 7 x64 64bit OS.
Christmas to Myself
Archer: Season 1 comes out this week! I watched the entire season on Netflix three times this fall…
My Kindle Experience So Far
I’ve now read 2 books on my Kindle, David Maister’s Managing The Professional Service Firm and William Gibson’s Neuromancer. Reading Maister’s book helped highlight some of the features of the kindle. The ability to highlight snippets of text for later, and take simple notes added to the experience. However, it’s worth noting if you’re a…
Developing for Open Source Languages on Windows the Better Way
When working with php, rails, python, etc, windows is sufficient, but definitely leaves something to be desired. The ports of these languages are definitely second class. With Microsoft’s backing php support with IIS is improving, but it’s not the same. And usually you are going to deploy those apps on a linux/bsd web server, so…
Function Name Instead of Lambda in Linq Functions
I did not realize that functions can fill in for predicates directly without lambda notation. To illustrate, consider the following: void Main() { var words = new List<string>() { “therapists”, “s words”, “slang”, “mustache”, “sean connery” }; var s_words = words.Where(w => w.StartsWith(“s” ,StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)); foreach(var word in s_words) { Console.WriteLine(word); } } It works, but…